Top Track
Awesome job on this track. I reckon your next release will blow us all away. 9/10 5/5 voting you to number 1 ahead of my shit.
Top Track
Awesome job on this track. I reckon your next release will blow us all away. 9/10 5/5 voting you to number 1 ahead of my shit.
Cocktail of all flavours here that works really well. Good Job done!
Top Demo
Makes my body do stuff I haven't done before. Top Track
great effort
I can see what you have tried to accomplish here and you are learning at a fast rate. You will have great tunes in no time. congrats!
Great Ambience
I love your work and I love this detour in your style. I hope we can do a collab one day it would sound great. Peace 9/10 5/5
Enjoyed it
Great piece my friend. I think you maybe should continue at the end very softly with the melody. Keep up the good work. 9/10 5/5
Great quality track. I love the composition of this and only wish it was longer. Awesome work.
I really like this
If you could extend it into a full song I would defo favourite it. Still an awesome loop.
I noticed
This piece really hurts my ears. You need to concentrate on quality as this sounds like indiana jones in a baked bean tin. I would of given it a 5 if the quality was there. I notice you like to give advice to people about their recordings, maybe you should give yourself your own advice.
This was one of my first works, look at the date. It was a year ago. As I said, it was recorded on Finale 2007, that the quality is bad. But I'm going to put my latest composition in a moment. It was recorded on Compositor's contest in Poland. Listen to this if you find some time. I'm studying composition in music school for about a year, so I learned much.
Amazing Composition
This is the kind of music that makes my hair stand on end. I am striving to create such epics myself and learning from people such as yourself. Totaly inspirational and makes me want to start composing straight away. We both composed songs called Eve of War lol I can't praise this piece enough, the strings, horns, brass are all great and big sounding. I can only aspire to be like you. 10/10 5/5 Downloaded and Faved for sure.
Joined on 8/8/08