I got
Rick Rolled ... damn
I got
Rick Rolled ... damn
Good Game
So where is the 3 theme? Good game though
3 boss phases, 3 people working on it, 3 endings....I could go on
Loved it. Can't really review without spoilers so I will just say Great Game. The last level was cool, especially the End Music LMAO did you play that yourself ROFL. If you want original music for the sequel give me a call.
any game
that makes you wanna do it all again is a great addictive game like The Blood Throne which is near it's release. Super Monkey rocks! The road spikes are invaluable. A game that has grown nicely into the magic that is Bloons TD.
To be honest
I was bored by level 10 even. No sound effect for turret firing and only one kind of turret made it hard for me to play. However I loved the artist work and the AI of the ants and the music fitted well. It is a good game that could be great.
I thought is was
A great idea and found it to be mildly addictive which means it's a good game. It was smooth and enjoyable to play and the music fitted well. 9/10 5/5
I want my cake
and to eat it too. Great game and have to give you 9 for originality. The music suits it very well and the whole experience is fab. 5/5
I think everyone has said what I wanted to mention...So I will just say well done and your hard work on this game was worth it. Brilliant!
I would go outside...
But.... it's 2.32am and it's dark n' wet.
Good Concept
I really enjoyed this and have added it to my fav's. Please ignore the guy below as this is great fun and worth your effort. Music is addictive too.
Joined on 8/8/08